Tuesday 1 January 2013

Final Animation

Below is the final animation for the chair exercise brief. While this exercise is complete there are numerous tweaks and configurations that are needed to make this animation stand out. Being my first character animation it has been noted that the character isn't fluid enough with his movements and there are still limbs which need animating. Due to time constraints and hardware access this is the result so far. More practice will be needed to refine character movement, methods for modelling characters correctly, building more refined character rigs to assist in fluid movements, proper stage lighting and a thorough understanding of shaders and textures.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Sounds Effects

A list of sound effects used in the animation can be found in the link below on the my soundcloud playlist. Some sound effects used in the animation consisted of foot steps, doors opening and closing and shouting.


Thursday 20 December 2012

Colourful Room

Some images of the mansion room with a little bit of colour added to differentiate between character and furniture objects.

Monday 10 December 2012

3D Character - Butler

Below is the final 3d model of the character. While trying to configure the weight of the character and the clothes together there were numerous issues and the correct configuration could not be found. Researching the problem it was noted the way in which the character was modelled was done incorrectly. The clothes should have been a part of the mesh rather than a separate object. Because of this issue the clothes would be removed from the butler and the basic frame would be animated.

Thursday 6 December 2012

3d Room

Upon locating all the necessary objects for the room it was time to place them in position. In relation to the mood board of the mansion room, it was decided to add recurring objects found in the images. A few of these were a fireplace, piano, lights and comfy chairs. Although since the brief requires one chair for the character, the room was designed to resemble a study for the butler's master. Since the brief asks for one character, the master would not be present. In this instance the room would become the master in order to show what kind of person he is, what he likes and his personality.

After laying out the objects for the room it was time to model the door the character would exit through. Unfortunately a free model could not be found so a simple door was created.

Thursday 29 November 2012

3D Chair

Unfortunately since the deadline was approaching, there wasn't enough time to model all the objects for the room so I began looking for free 3d models that related to concept of the room. The Armchair was found on the free 3d model site below while the other objects were used from the cinema 4d content library.