Wednesday 10 October 2012

Animated Short Research

For the animated character short, I took sometime coming up with an idea for the animation. I looked at several books and magazines such as Creating Characters with Personality, The Big Book of Character Design, 3D Artist and 3D World Magazine. After several hours of research for inspiration it was noted in the interviews that the each artist was inspired by another story or concept they admired. This lead to the development of their own interpretation of the story or a completely new narrative.

The image above is a spread taken from the November issue of 3D World Magazine. The artist speaks about his inspiration for the short film. 

Chao Ma devised the basic idea after sketching two brothers hunting. 'I became inspired by a chinese ghost story I'd heard since I was very young. I loved the fox's spirit story: a fox who can transform into a pretty woman and seduce men.'

My next step in the animated short process was to watch several animated shorts to help in creating a character and narrative that are both entertaining and humorous.

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