Wednesday 17 October 2012

Mansion Moodboards


After making a mood board for the butler, I moved on to the room where the animation would take place. Because the main character was a butler, the room had to be sophisticated like his master. I began searching for images of mansion rooms with minimal furniture and a door for the butler to exit when his master calls for him.

Because the brief called for one character, the master would have to be included in the animation in some form. While searching for the images, I remembered something my tutor mentioned during a  screening session of animations. It was noted that a character doesn't have to be visually present in an animation to be a part of it, the voice of a character could be used once it was clear who they were. Therefore the rooms' decore would reflect the masters' character and become the character itself.

The next step would be sketching a concept of the room.

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