Monday 15 October 2012

BUTLER - Character Concepts

Using the mood boards to develop the butler, a basic doll frame was sketched to help with the body type of the character. The head would be narrow with a big jaw, while the upper body would be slim but broad. The legs and arms would be long and narrow while the hands and feet would be large. The fingers would in relation be long. As seen in the image, the lower left body frame illustrates the butlers posture of standing upright so much that his upper body leans back too far.

After sketching the basic frame I tried to decipher how the character would walk. Because the character is sophisticated, an upright walk seemed to fit his persona as well as having his hands folded behind his back to show his chest outward showing his proud nature.

After a short concept of this walk I began focusing on the details of the character. The head as seen below needed to be narrow like his arms and legs while the nose, ears and chin would be large in relation to his large feet and hands. This would show the balance of large and narrow forms throughout the character.

When the final concept was settled on the head of the butler it was time to move on to the rest of the body and his posture. As seen in the sketches below, the butlers clothing has been altered in comparison to the original stereotype. His upper body is clothed with a turtle neck, long sleeve suit with large openings at the sleeves for his big hands. His trousers are very slim but are folded up at the bottom as they are too long for him, while his shoes are large to accomodate his big feet. The shoes are a cross between formal shoes and slightly casual. The shoes represent the mischievous behaviour of his where he finds himself using his masters items when he is not around.  

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